insignificance to extraordinary
The desire to succeed is like a burning fire in every person. It is a journey of impact and extraordinary purpose.
In this book, I share my story from childhood to college and employment, including the current role of Group Chief Executive Officer for the leading technology company in Zimbabwe as a way of helping you reach your full potential, just as God designed. Always remember you are fearfully and wonderfully made, as the Word of God says in Psalms 139:14.
This masterpiece explores the IPEBSAL (Identity, Purpose, Empowerment, Balance, Success, Action, Legacy) principles of an extraordinary life, thereby bringing a new, integrated and practical approach in answering how one can live an extraordinary life and leave a lasting legacy.

About the Author
“In our pursuit of purpose, we should never forget that we are still clay in the hands of the Potter.”
Dr. Douglas Mboweni is a born again Christian, family man, a minister of the word of God in the Baptist Church. He started his career as a computer programmer at the Zimbabwe Ministry of Finance and is now currently the Chief Executive Officer of Econet Zimbabwe as well as a passionate leadership and skills trainer.
He has travelled nations teaching on key principles that, when implemented effectively, can lead to a satisfying, purpose driven life, that leaves behind a positive lasting legacy.
He is also passionate about the development of any human being into their God-given destiny regardless of their background or status, encouraged by his own life story and experiences, which testify of how God can raise anyone from the dust of insignificance to make him or her stand before kings with humility.